Creating Beautiful Family Memories with Hooray Heroes Books

Around the holidays, my husband and I are always looking for unique gifts for our children. We want to give them something that is not only fun but that also creates a special memory for years to come. 

That’s why when we were introduced to Hooray Heroes, we knew it would be the perfect gift for our family.


Hooray Heroes is a beautiful personalized book company that specializes in tailoring its clever stories and characters to be just like the members of your family. By going to their website, you can select the book theme of your choice and then design the animations to look like both kids and parents! I was so surprised with how easy it was to personalize the books that we ordered and how much the characters in the book actually looked like our family!


We ended up choosing a daddy-daughter book that imagines what our oldest daughter Elle might someday become (this book seriously moved Zach and I to tears!). When ordering, we were able to select a list of exciting careers that our little girl might someday grow up to be like super hero, inventor, or astronaut! Elle LOVED seeing herself in these exciting jobs, and we hope that it empowers her to dream big about her future.


We also designed a family themed book that focused on the three big kids. Each page of the book dreams up a different storyline and showcases several imaginative adventures that our family could embark upon! Whether it’s helping Santa in his village or having super powers, the kids had a blast seeing our family in all sorts of fantastical situations!

Hooray Heroes wanted to give my readers a discount to create your own special memory for your family this holiday season, so to receive 20% off your order until December 12th, click HERE for the family book and HERE for the daddy daughter book or use the discount code BRITT20.

This book makes a beautiful heartfelt gift for your children or spouse, so check out Hooray Heroes today and create a unique gift that they will love!


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