Dealing with Mild Eczema with Dermakalm

This article is sponsored by Dermakalm. All opinions are my own. 


From when we started having babies until now, all of my children have suffered from mild eczema at some point. It doesn’t seem to matter what season we are in or how many other factors we change, it’s always been something we’ve had to deal with. With my first child, we tried so many creams with little relief. I remember asking friends and purchasing so many products and none of them delivering the way I had hoped. It’s not something I deal with personally, so it was frustrating seeing my child feel irritated and not know how to help. I remember asking on Instagram if anyone had any solutions for eczema and I was flooded with people saying they had no tips but wanted me to share any tips I received because their child was experiencing it too. 



We recently got the chance to try Dermakalm® Eczema Cream for Infants and Children on Indie’s eczema and have been loving this product. It’s irritant-free and formulated by dermatologists which gives me peace of mind as a mother. Not only is it paraben free, but Dermakalm Eczema products carry the Canadian Eczema Society of Canada seal of acceptance – verifying that they have undergone a formal review, confirming that they are free of ingredients known to irritate sensitive skin. I’m particular about what we use on our skin and want safe and effective products for my children and I’m so happy to finally have found something to temporarily soothe Indie’s eczema symptoms and that really works for us!


Way back then I said I’d share any tips I received so this is my sharing! Mamas - if you have children who experience eczema give Dermakalm® Eczema Cream for Infants and children a try and see if it works for you. 


This product may not be suitable for you. Always read and follow the label.

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