Homeschooling Inspiration + Resources


Last week I shared about how and why we are considering homeschooling and I couldn't believe the number of mamas who also said they were thinking about it too! I loved reading through your Instagram comments and hearing about what works best for your families and that some of you are in the same boat as me!Today I wanted to share some of the ways I plan on researching/testing out homeschooling for our family. Because I've kinda had this whole homeschooling thing in the back of my mind since having children, I've followed some great blogs, Instagram accounts and gathered some amazing resources that I am going to be drawing from as I continue to mull this whole thing over. I thought it would be fun to share those here, in case any of you are totally crazy like me and considering teaching your children... home...forever.(kidding...kind of).Now this isn't an extensive list of homeschool resources, I'm just not there yet. This is more of a list of a couple of things that I found intriguing, interesting and encouraging as I'm researching this whole home school thing.First up is Simply Learning - I sometimes feel like she has read my mind with her simple and minimalistic approach to homeschooling. But that's just it...she kind of did. She took everything that made her feel overwhelmed and frustrated with homeschooling young children and (I hate to keep using this word but) simplified it. She provides FREE literature based curriculums for preschool age kids and has recently taken a different approach for this coming school year by following along with The Peaceful Preschool. She created additional (and again FREE) printables to go along with the PPS curriculum and even shares her weekly schedule and Pinterest boards to make it really easy for you.The Peaceful Preschool is my next favourite resource that I'll be exploring more the next couple of months. It is an incredible curriculum and blog created by mom of 7 and homeschooling master Jennifer Pepito. I fell in love with the simple and clean design of her free printables and also couldn't believe how affordable her curriculum is! I downloaded the letter A curriculum for free and she also breaks it down into what activities and focuses you have each day of the week (disorganized mamas rejoice!). I think it may be a little young to use if we actually do homeschool Dexter, but it's still so fun to try and play around with each day.Next is the Modern Scout Adventure Collector - This little journal is so amazing whether you homeschool or not. It was sent to me by my friend Brittany, owner of Modern Scout and even my husband even mentioned how cool it was after flipping through it. Essentially, its a journal, with a different adventure on each page and prompted questions and areas to draw, tape in things and record details about your adventure. Younger children would need help writing in the answers, but a lot of the pages are really visual and have an art aspect to them too. Some of the adventures we are looking forward to the most are Go Send A Letter Attached To A Balloon, Go Plant Something, and Go Hide A Treasure. The whole Modern Scout website has a very boy scout vibe which is so cute. I plan on using this for our "field trip days" and to add some learning and purpose to our everyday outdoor play. I can't wait to do some of these with Dex and in the end have a book with all of our adventures recorded that we can look back on.The last thing are some of my favourite homeschool bloggers/youtubers. For me, I love finding like minded mamas online or on Instagram. I'm obviously at the very beginning of this whole thing and it helps for me to get an inside look at what actually goes on in their days, how they schedule things, that they struggle and get off schedule too, and all the other ins and outs of being a homeschooling mama. It's still such a foreign world to me and I feel like developing an in person community to connect with will be key, but also an online community is always so helpful too!  There is SO much out there but these are some faves I've been into lately! I'm just going to list them to keep it easy:The Quick Journey Blog | InstagramThis Gathered Nest Blog | YoutubeJodie Mockabee Blog | InstagramCloistered Away Blog | InstagramAt Home Homeschooling Podcast The Wild and Free community  (one view of the video on their main page and I was feeling pretty exited!)Pinterest - this is another amazing resources for homeschool info, sample schedules, free printables, and, lots more (it's Pinterest so basically everything is there)! I've been pinning like crazy on my little homeschool board so be sure to follow me there too!So that's where I'm at! If you've made it this far you're likely already a homeschooler, considering it, or wondering if I've totally lost my mind. Wherever you're at, I would love to connect with you and hear about your favourite homeschool resources or how you make this whole thing work.  I've got so much to learn and know that each family needs to make the choice that is best for them and am just hoping to find what that means for my little crew.Thanks so much for reading guys!


Hi - I'm Britt! A wife and mama, pursuing joy and dreaming big dreams with my husband and three babes. Here I share about our everyday life, style, motherhood, and some blogging tips and tricks I've learned along the way! Thanks for stopping by!



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